Because some things should not be forgotten ...

Shattered windows and displays at Jewish shops in Berlin in the morning after the pogrom (
Reichskristallnacht), November 10, 1938.

Arrest and public humilation of Jews in Baden-Baden, November 10, 1938. On November 10, the SS and police arrested around 80 Jewish men of Baden-Baden and took them to the local district police station. The "protective detainees" then had to walk under SS and police escort to the local synagogue, where they were forced to read Hitler's
Mein Kempf out loud. The synagogue was set on fire and the detainees deported to Dachau concentration camp. The photo shows the victims arriving at the synagogue through a gauntlet of spectators.

Jews arrested during a raid at an "assembly camp" set up in the suburb of Drancy, Paris, August 1941. In the foreground is a French police guard. After the 11th arondissement in Paris was "combed," 4,000 Jews were interned in Drancy until deportation. A majority of the Jews arrested in France, at least 75,670 people, were deported from this camp, which was run by the French police, to the extermination camps "in the East." Only 2,570 survived. This photo was taken by a war reporter belonging to
Wehrmacht propaganda company.

After the arrival of a deportation transport carrying Hungarian Jews, the victims are prepared for "selection" at the ramp of the extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau by SS men. (Late May/early June 1944). The inmates from the train came from the Hungarian region of Carpatho-Ruthenia, most of them from the ghetto of Berehevo (Beregszasz). Women and children (left) and men (right) were assessed for their ability to work. Those deemed unable to work were murdered. The Wehrmacht occupied Hungary, which was still allied with Germany, on March 19, 1944. Between then and July 9, 1944, more than 437,000 Hungarian Jews were deported. The Holocaust claimed at least 550,000 lives in Hungary. The photo is from an SS photo documentation known as the "Auschwitz Album."

Latvian Jewish women and children are shot by
Einsatzkommando (special mobile unit), December 15-17, 1941. This mass killing claimed 2,754 lives and took place on the dunes of the Baltic.

Exploitation of Jewish property: bidders and spectators probably at an auction of household goods and linens that deported Jews had to leave behind; Hanau, updated (1942). The photographer was the head of Hanau City Picture Archive.

Third deportation of Jews from Main franken: deportation victims during the march from the Gestapo assembly point to Aumuhle Station, Wurzburg, April 25, 1942. Gestapo and SS guards, in the background, bystanding spectators. On April 25, 1942, 852 men, women, and children from Wurzburg and various surrounding rural districts were transported to Krasnystaw in the
Generalgouvernment in Poland. They were marched to Krasniczyn. Those who had survived up to then were probably marched to Sobibor extermination camp on June 6, 1942. The photograph was taken by a photographer from the Wurzburg Gestapo office.

Jewish deportation victims embarking on a German Railroad convoy train at Bielefeld Station, December 13, 1941. The passengers on this convoy who came from districts of Munster and Osnabruck and from Bielefeld and the vicinity, were deported to Riga Ghetto. The photo came from a Bielefeld war chronicle, made by the Bielefeld City Authority.

Deportation of Jews in Gailingen on Lake Constance, October 22, 1940. Deportation victims get into an Order Police truck. Foreground: Officers from the Order Police involved in the operation; background: neighbors looking on. 178 Jewish men and women from Gailingen, the biggest Jewish rural community in Baden, were deported to Gurs camp in the south of France.

Workers form the Corrugated Aluminum Works in Singen on a carnival float decorated as a dragon, Singen, 1939. The "Jewish" costume accessories include long, hooked cardboard noses. The figures of the dragon swallowing Jews is a variation of the Nazipropoganda's stereotype depiction of destruction of the "Jewish threat."

The carnival float with the slogan The last Lebanese Tyroleans are getting out makes the forced expulsion of Jews into a carnival topic by presenting pupils and teachers from the Ekkehard School in Singen dressed up as "Jews"; Singen, 1938. The "Jewish" costume accessories include long, hooked card board noses.

Jewish residents of Oldenburg taken into "protective custody" are led by SA men through the city streets to the prison; November 10, 1938.

I will
not forget.
All of these pictures are photographs of photographs that are on display at
Topography of Terror in Berlin. This exhibition is available free to the public.
1 comment:
Ashleigh, thank you. I will NOT forget either, no matter how many may try to rewrite history.
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