Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A BIG Happy Birthday to Hilary Sutton & Tribute to the Trending Flash Dance

Happy Birthday Hilary!
Isn't she stunningly beautiful?

And it's her BIRTHDAY! 

In a few weeks I get to go see her play Liesl in Sound of Music

And I'm ecstatic! She's received rave reviews and I cannot wait to see her myself!

Speaking of Sound of Music, you've got to see this flash dance in Antwerp, Belgium.
(only 35 minutes or so from Brussels!)

Have you heard of this flash dance thing? It's also known as a flash mob. It seems to be occurring more in Europe, but that is not an empirically provable fact. Flash mob is defined as "a sudden gathering of people into a crowd that do something unusual for a few minutes in unison and then disperse." I think flash dancing is way fun. Some flash mobs just freeze --- talk about awkward. Can you imagine going through a supermarket and then everyone around you freezes? Now that could cause a heart attack.

Here's another fun one at the Liverpool train station in London:

How fun is that? Don't you just love the grannies that get in on the action?

Here's another massive one that took place in the Mall of Asia:

Here's a super cool one that took place in Stockholm last summer as a tribute to Michael Jackson:

This one is totally fun, too. Can you imagine just shopping in a store, minding your business, and then bam -- people are dancing to Hammer Time???

And one of the very coolest -- an advert for Glee in Italy:

Hilary - if I could give you anything today, I think I might give you this totally fun, amazing flash dance experience. How fun would that be???? (Especially the gold digger part! Ha!)

Happy Birthday!!!


Unknown said...

This is SO awesome!

Lisa Misrok said...

That is entirely too fun a gift for Hil!

Heather said...

Haaaaaa! Love it. Yep, me in the pink ;)

mary caroline said...

yes! I've heard of the flash mobs and think they are hilarious! trust me, sister wants to do one so badly! Maybe Hilary and Holly can start one :)

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This work by Ashli Sutton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at ashlielizabeth.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://ashlielizabeth.blogspot.com.