Monday, July 21, 2008

What's a Courgette? And where's the Zucchini?

Very helpful tips for an ex-pat American in a British kitchen: Favorite British Kitchen Words. See what I've been dealing with people??? (Note all the very helpful comments! Maybe I should chime in to the discussion ... )

And if you're interested in what British cuisine looks like, take a peek here. Appetizing?


Marksberry Family said...

How in the world have you not starved to death!

Rebecca Manor said...

Great entry! I still remember our conversations about coriander vs cilantro and the whole courgette thing is very confusing. I did just make a batch of "Courgette Bread" and it was delicious :-) Hope you're enjoying your time with the family - I'm sure things are even better now that Matt is back with you! Looks like Scotty and I found a flat pretty close to Stockbridge - it overlooks Dean Village. We're trying to finalize the details tonight - hopefully everything will work out!
Talk to you soon.

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