Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is It Just Me .....

Is it just me, or do you also get a bit paranoid when you're on a transatlantic flight and the man to the left of you is coughing the entire time and the man to the right of you is blowing his nose every several minutes??? Thankfully, it's over 24 hours post-flight and neither symptom has exposed their dirty heads.

Vitamins people. I tell you -- you should take vitamins.

{Mom thinks they might have a placebo effect on me. I think differently. They work! Three cheers for vitamins!}

I also read recently that you should use a saline nose spray when flying (since you get dried out and germs can more easily whack out your immune system when you're not well-hydrated). I tried that, too. So far, I'm sickness free. I also recommend bringing your own scarf which can also serve as a wrap or blanket. Do you really think airlines wash those blankets after every use???? Yah right. Hopefully this little combo will keep working for me during this little swine-flu pandemic.

Anyway ....... onwards and upwards.

I'm also back into the swing of work already. But that won't last long as we're headed to England on Thursday morning for a quick trip. Matt's on business. I'm on leisure!  I'm looking forward to catching up with dear friends and am ready for a bit of exploration of Cambridge and surrounding areas.

P.S. - Hil, I saw gummy bear vitamins at Dollar General for only $4.50. Now that's a deal.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

no sum up of your stateside visit on the blog?

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