Wednesday, February 20, 2008

He Speaks My Language

After a full day of work yesterday(and lunching with new friends), Matthew and I headed in to Old Town to attend a church small group. We visited this particular church for the first time this past Sunday and were excited about what we would encounter. We knew we were headed to Osama's house -- this would definitely be the first Osama I had ever met. Little did I know that a man named Osama and I would have so much in common. After the group was over and Matthew and I were headed out the door, Osama invited us over to have a "cheese lunch." Lots of cheese and lots of bread. What a wonderful and novel idea. Even though there may have been a moment of difficulty in understanding my new friend, once he threw out that fantastic "cheese" idea , I knew that he definitely speaks my language!


Elizabeth said...

A cheese lunch?? I love it!

t marie said...

I speak cheese too. What a grand idea.

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