Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Did It!

I tried haggis today! Unbelievable. For those of you who are not familiar with haggis - let me explain. Merriam-Webster defines haggis as "a traditionally Scottish dish that consists of the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep or a calf minced with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the animal." (BTW--- What is suet!?!!?)Honestly, I still can't believe I tried it. We can blame it on my friend J.Lo (Yes - I have a J.Lo, too). I've been avoiding it like the plague since my arrival in Scotland. I scoffed at Customs when we arrived in the US for asking me if I was carrying haggis. As if.


Tina said...

GROSS!!!! Girl, you must have a cast iron stomach for that dish. It does not even sound appetizing.

Reminds me of the food Ron ate in China,


Elizabeth said...

I tried it when I was in Scotland, only because I felt it is something you just have to do when in the country. So... did you like it?? I did NOT!

Cbell said...

.... ANNNNNDDDD? Come on. You can't leave us all hanging out here wondering what the taste was like and whether you calmly spit it into your napkin, or devoured it completely!

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